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Adobe and Editors' Content: What's Mine Is Mine, and I Mean It

就在我写这篇文章的时候,Adobe正在探索一些有趣的内容所有权 & 的使用问题.

就在我写这篇文章的时候,Adobe正在探索一些有趣的内容所有权 & 的使用问题.

6月5日, 2024, 各种Adobe应用程序的用户都面临一个弹出通知“我们可以通过手动和自动方法访问您的内容。, such as for content review." The ONLY way forward was to agree to it. There was no "opt-out." It was assumed that your content was included. That's the wrong way to do things.

You were lucky to be told at all because, as Mashable noted: "The updated section in Adobe's Terms of Service, 实际上, quietly went into effect all the way back on February 17, 2024. 它说, “我们的自动化系统可能会分析您的内容和创意云客户字体(定义见第3节).10...)使用机器学习等技术来改进我们的服务和软件以及用户体验." The language is deliberately vague. But the specific mention of "your content,并使用“机器学习来改进我们的服务和软件”,立即引起了人们的担忧,即用户的创造性工作将被用作Adobe人工智能工具的训练数据."


最糟糕的是, 对我来说, Adobe是否假设任何和所有用户内容都可以由Adobe使用而无需信用或补偿, 不管“为了训练”还是其他什么他们想用的理由. 一开始问你这样做是否合适的“小心”标志在哪里? It really looks like everyone was quietly included, and you have to hunt it down, and manually opt out - which is absolutely the wrong way to do things.

1. They can review it for Content Moderation, 2. They can manually review it (humans), 3. They can publish or give it away for free, 4. They can sell it to 3rd parties (sublicense), 5. They can and will use it to train their AI.
You can't fully opt-out of it even if files are local, like for content aware fill and other non-specified tools."


It's one thing to use Facebook knowing what you willingly post, Facebook将利用这一手段来吸引其他用户使用该平台,这样Facebook就可以出售广告. It's another thing entirely for Adobe to charge users to use a tool, which we long-considered private, 现在才意识到他们已经慢慢地将所有权的法律条款和政策纳入Adobe使用您的内容的能力, 无偿, 不管原因是什么.

有些人认为这只是你上传到他们服务器上的内容(这些内容仍然应该是隐私的), it shouldn't belong to Adobe, Dropbox, iCloud, 等.) and also noted that you can "Opt Out" of content analysis. 但是Adobe legalese 实际上 says, “关闭内容分析不会影响我们在你参与项目时分析你的内容的能力 ... If you don't want your content to be used for such purposes, you should avoid participating in those programs, 包括, 但不限于...Adobe列出了四个程序,但承认它“不限于”这四个程序.  也, 如果您使用依赖于内容分析技术的功能(例如, Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop), your content [will] still be analyzed when you use those features..."


The online uproar from users led Scott Belsky, Adobe的首席战略官和设计和新兴产品的执行副总裁, 和Dana Rao, Adobe’s Executive Vice President, 总法律顾问, 并于6月10日在Adobe博客上发表了回应, 部分地说, “我们最近重新接受了我们的使用条款,这引起了人们对这些条款的关注,以及它们对我们的客户意味着什么。. This has caused us to reflect on the language we use in our Terms, 我们有机会更清楚地解决社区提出的问题."


这两个人应该在推出“重新接受Adobe条款”之前解决这个问题.(也许是这样!)事实上, 虽然我承诺, "We’ve never trained generative AI on customer content, taken ownership of a customer’s work, or allowed access to customer content beyond legal requirements." it begs the question - you say you haven't done it, 那么,你们为什么要刻意制定合法的使用条款,留下很多灰色地带呢? If Adobe truly plans to honor this, why doesn't the legalese match? If it can be said so clearly in a blog post, why didn't the Terms of Use say it that way 首先?

为什么没有一个大的通知描述用途,并要求我们选择任何潜在的公司使用我们的内容. Even generative fill should let us know; each time! 为什么我们必须找到一篇文章来追踪“选择退出”的偏好," if we never opted in, 首先. 这是因为公司已经跨过了内容所有权的界限,希望你不会注意到.

I feel this is just a harbinger of things to come. 各种各样的公司都迫切需要能够用于引擎和工具的内容. 在许多情况下,他们必须付费获得图像许可或吸收大量公共内容库, sometimes still getting caught incorporating copyrighted work. 但是Adobe, and I'm sure others will follow, has found a new solution, not only do have you pay to use their tools, 但他们的实际使用条款确立了他们使用您的内容的权利, 无偿 - regardless of what they post on a blog.

至于我,我是Premiere的长期用户(90年代的版本2,3,4). I'm now going to learn to use a new non-linear edit tool, 像ShotCut, 或解决, 拉斯维加斯的职业, 光工作, Final Cut Pro, 媒体的作曲家, 等. (目前)不要求对您的工作拥有所有权的替代工具并不短缺. 然而, I see that I'll need to pay attention, because that other tool might be the next one after my content. 我相信这不会很快结束,因为每个工具都需要与其他工具保持同步. 我们都需要对我们所有的工具和服务保持高度警惕, if you want to keep what's yours, 只是你的.

As the march of new tech accelerates, it begs the question: Do we wait a bit to see what new gear can offer, or do we go with what's available now, even if might seem a bit older
安东尼·布罗卡斯介绍百家乐软件app最新版下载在新的X1 PTZ摄像头的全新鸟狗, 这款手机与过去的型号不同,采用了带有Wi-Fi天线的新设计, 光环统计, 人工智能跟踪, an industry-first e-ink display for confidence monitoring.
在人工智能出现之前,许多被贴上“人工智能驱动”标签的产品都在做同样的事情. 但将它们熟悉的功能贴上“人工智能驱动”的标签,会让同样的技术看起来新鲜而创新.
NDI冒着在20码线上丢球的风险,浪费了他们在IP视频领域近十年的领先优势,因为他们没有强制授权商整合所有标准. 我写这篇文章是希望他们重新确立NDI标准的意义:即授权NDI, and display the NDI badge, a product must be 100% compatible.